What is the warranty on a new garage door opener?

All openers come with different levels of warranty coverage. The factory will usually cover most parts for one year. Retailers also have a variety of extended warranties they will offer. Manufactures will have a longer warranty on professional grade openers not sold in do it yourself retailers. This is because they know someone with no experience with openers can improperly install them and make them malfunction sooner than normal.

Typically the more the opener cost the better the warranty will be.

Most professional grade openers will carry a lifetime warranty on the internal electric motor. Openers will last about 10-15 years before they start to break down. Home warranty companies usually cover garage doors and openers. These companies have some restrictions so read your policy. They will also deny coverage if the opener looks like homeowner has tried to fix them on their own. If you have any questions about a warranty you should find the toll free customer service number for the specific manufacturer you have or want to purchase. All they need is the model number and date of manufacture. This info is stamped on most openers.