Are commercial and residential garage door using the same type of rollers?

In the past I have seen commercial garage doors with residential grade rollers on it but it will still work of course and As long as the doors in good shape. If you have a commercial garage door on a business like a car wash then you would need a specific type of roller that is coded in rubber that will not rust very easily to accommodate the type of use that this garage door will need. Also they make a garage door roller called car wash rollers just for this application. Typically a residential garage door roller will average about 15,000 cycles that is about 20 years’ time if you open your door about twice a day. Commercial garage door rollers on the other hand can be rated up to 100,000 cycles. If the owner of a business that used a commercial garage door opened his door in the morning and then closed it in the evening when he locked up then it would average well over 200 years and lifespan.

kind of rollers

Typically you can use any kind of roller for a residential garage door. But when it comes to commercial garage doors you would not want to use a residential grade roller on a garage door of that weight and size because of course the size and weight of the door is going to put more stress on the roller and intern wear it out quicker. So if you have a residential garage door the skies the limit on what kind of roller you want to use you could pretty much use anything you wanted and it would be sufficient. Now if you put residential garage door rollers that are plastic wheel this would put extreme stress on that kind of roller with the sheer weight and size of a commercial garage door That can be up to 12 to 20 feet high. in most commercial applications.

commercial garage doors tracks

Now sometimes commercial garage door track is engineered so where the door go straight up and does not go over your head and just go straight up the wall of this will only work in a warehouse that could accommodate the door going straight up along the wall above your head instead of rolling backwards and putting all of the stress on the garage door rollers when it is set up like a conventional garage door  For a residence. So if you put commercial garage door rollers that have about 50,000 100,000 cycles as they’re reading then you would never have to replace the garage door rollers on your residential home garage door. But if you use residential garage door rollers on your residential garage door then you’re probably going to get 10 to 15 maybe even 20 years of life out of your garage door rollers. When you engineer a garage door roller to withstand the amount of cycles that a commercial garage door requires then they will last a lifetime. As far as residential garage door rollers in looking in about 10 to 20 years before you have to replace them.